About Melanie Unruh

Melanie is a studio potter based in Denver Colorado.

My art is an intermediary between people, creating a connection across variable distances of space and time between myself and the person using the mug, or vase, or tea bowl that I have made.

I’m deeply interested in the connection between artist and the user of the art, as expressed by the product. The virtual physical contact between my hands and the hands of the person holding my work is a recognition of our common humanity, an intimacy through art.

It is said that a piece actualized by being put to use; it is not finished when it's removed from the kin, but is finally imbued with meaning when it’s filled with food, or arranged with other pieces. My art is intended to be used, to find it’s purpose in someone’s life.

Thus, it’s probably no surprise that I prefer to make functional work. My influences include Asian forms, firing methods, and surface treatments. I’m also very interested in juxtapositions of organic forms and machined artifacts, and things that are revealed and concealed. Variable surfaces of texture and color are evident in all of my art.

See Melanie’s work at science fiction and fantasy conventions in the Rocky Mountain region, or at art shows and markets across Colorado. (See the Upcoming Events page for a schedule.) Melanie is a member of the Arapahoe Ceramics Guild, the Arvada Ceramic Arts Guild, and a founding member of the Convention Arts Guild.

Photography courtesy of Ken Tschappat.